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In Mandalay, Myanmar, the intricate woodcarvings and delicate gilded interiors of Shwe-nandaw Kyaung, the “Golden Palace Monastery”, stop visitors in their tracks, commanding onlookers’ attention with the complexity of its artistry and arresting structure. Aye Hnin Wai, part of WMF’s team ons-site, gave us insight into the project to document the unique Buddha Throne hidden inside.
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Example of some of Gaudi's famous Trencadis, 2018.
On October 2, the National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts “González Marti” in Valencia, Spain, and WMF will present “Gaudí & Trencadís”, an exhibition based on this book and delving into the origins and evolution of iconic architect Antoni Gaudí’s trencadís mosaics.
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