Englewood Cliffs Mayor Calls for Compromise on LG Building Near Palisades

WMF joined a growing roster of organizations and individuals opposed to the construction of the building when it included the Hudson River Palisades on the 2014 World Monuments Watch in October 2013.

WMF joined a growing roster of organizations and individuals opposed to the construction of the building when it included the Hudson River Palisades on the 2014 World Monuments Watch in October 2013. For months, the LG Corporation has been silent about re-visiting their plan to construct a 143-foot-tall tower directly behind the Palisades, despite mounting and widespread criticism of the project. Yesterday, Englewood Cliffs Mayor Joseph Parisi Jr. held a press conference adjacent to the proposed construction site and called on LG to sit down with its opponents and come to a compromise. The Bergen Record filed an article on the event.