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Iasi Aron Kodesh detail
As Jewish communities around the world prepare for the Passover holiday, World Monuments Fund is reflecting on some of the accomplishments of our Jewish Heritage Program. Today we’re happy to share updates and new images from the restoration efforts at the Great Synagogue of Iaşi, in the city of Iaşi, Romania.
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Myra in her living room at Sirius.
Every place has a person. "On My Watch" is a series that explores the cultural heritage sites of the 2018 World Monuments Watch and the people who are fighting for their protection. We sat down with Myra Demetriou, the last remaining resident of the iconic Sirius Building, to discuss her life, her home, and her ongoing fight for public housing.
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Our field project at Chankillo Archaeological Site reached an important milestone. On December 5, 2017, the District Municipality of Casma organized the public presentation of the conservation management plan (Plan de Manejo de la Zona Arqueológica Monumental de Chankillo). This is a small but crucial step in the process of nominating Chankillo to the UNESCO World Heritage List—a recognition of the outstanding cultural value of Chankillo that will result in greater investment in the stewardship of this inspiring place.
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