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Great Synagogue of Iaşi, 2016
The Great Synagogue of Iaşi is one of two synagogues left in Ia?i and the oldest existing Jewish religious architectural monument in Romania. When Romania’s Ministry of Culture (MC) began to work on the synagogue—a registered historic landmark—the building was in an advanced stage of physical deterioration due to natural aging, prolonged exposure to weather conditions, neglect, and devastation during times of racial, religious, and political persecution.
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In early June my colleague Katie Doyle and I had the opportunity to attend the Docomomo US annual symposium held in June in Minneapolis, MN. Entitled “Modernism on the Prairie: Rural to Metro Regional Interpretations of the Modern Movement,” the symposium was rooted in Minnesota, with presentations and tours highlighting the local context.
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June 24, 2015

Cathedral of Mren

Mren Cathedral, listed on the WMF World Monuments Watch in 2014, sits on a desolate plain on the frontier with Armenia, and it is the privilege of the WMF team along with the Turkish Ministry of Culture to perform the first in depth assessment of the site in more than 100 years.
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Blog Post
| June 23, 2015

Our Recent Trip to Ani

The high plains between Kars and the Armenian frontier are becoming painted with a blanket of violet and red wild flowers. As we drive east we can see that the beekeepers are setting up their tents and apiaries for a summer of collecting honey for which Kars is known for throughout Türkiye.
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As the restoration of the Shwe-nandaw Kyaung (Golden Palace Monastery) moves ahead, we needed to shore up the west veranda. The “Shwe Kyaung” is made entirely out of teak and has highly decorative carvings on the exterior.
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The way we dress at the Shwe-nandaw Kyaung (Golden Palace Monastery) is important in order to keep cool and protected from the intense sun. We have all adopted wearing flip flops, something I had never mastered before.
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For the past few years, I’ve taken my vacation in the spring – clear of winter weather and not yet peak travel season. This past April I planned to visit a friend in Nepal, who has a house in Kathmandu and has lived in the country for over 15 years.
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