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On January 9, at the National Museum in Bangkok, a ceremony commemorated an award of $700,000 to World Monuments Fund from the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation and the U.S. Embassy of Bangkok for ongoing conservation activities at Wat Chaiwatthanaram, a seventeenth-century Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya, the former capital of the Siamese kingdom of the same name.
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January 10, 2014

A Visit to the Frick

On one of the coldest days of the year 15 students, two teachers, and two WMF staff members huddled in the entryway of the Frick Collection. As fingers and toes began to regain feeling there was a noticeable shift in sentiment—contentment at having escaped the cold gave way to wonderment as the group began to fully appreciate its surroundings.
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La porte du Funi Aziri, située au cœur (Harimwamdji) de la ville d'Ikoni, date du XVIIIeme siècle. Ce monument doit son nom au prince héritier (Aziri) du sultanat Hambou qui s'était exilé et qui était revenu secrètement dans sa ville. Il s'était caché derrière la porte de la ville pour suivre les débats qui se tenaient sur la place publique (bangwe).
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The World Heritage City of Cuenca is the third most important city in Ecuador. In 2013, the city was awarded the Jean-Paul L’Allier Prize for Heritage by the Organization of World Heritage Cities, in recognition of its achievements in heritage conservation and management.
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Situated on the banks of River Shipra are the remains of a medieval fort of the Marathas built on the site of the ancient settlement of Mahidpur. Mahidpur was once a prosperous trading town on the Dakshinapth trade route, and the fort marks the site of the decisive battle of the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–18) between the Marathas and British forces.
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December 16, 2013

Route 66: The Road Ahead

On November 20 and 21, 2013, WMF convened a strategic roundtable titled “The Road Ahead,” with generous support from American Express. The roundtable, following on the findings of the Route 66 Economic Impact Study of 2012, explored ways to leverage new opportunities for investment and innovative partnerships in heritage tourism and historic preservation along Route 66.
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On November 1, a group of WMF staff members attended a conference hosted by the Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation. The conference, titled “Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage,” took place at Fordham University School of Law.
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