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WMF staff in New York visited the Four Freedoms Memorial on Roosevelt Island in New York City in advance of its opening to the public in October. We were given the tour by Gina Pollara, Executive Director of the Four Freedoms Park and one of the people who worked tirelessly for years to see Louis Kahn’s vision for this space realized nearly 40 years after it was conceived.
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The Church of the Holy Savior, or Surp Amenap’rkitch, located in eastern Turkey within the Ani Archaeological Site, was built in 1035 on the orders of Prince Abulgharib Pahlavuni to house a piece of the True Cross. The church’s design is unique, with 19 external sides, an octagonal interior, and a huge central dome supported by a tall drum. The church remained largely intact until 1930, when it was struck by lightning and the entire eastern half collapsed.
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August 21, 2012

Heritage in the Crosshairs

The evolving tragedy in Syria has a deep cultural, as well as a humanitarian, dimension. Aleppo, which has been mercilessly shelled and bombed for the last two weeks, is one of the world’s greatest cultural ensembles, a place where civilizations from the Hittites to the Ottomans left their mark.
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The Pucará de Tilcara, looming above the modern town of Tilcara in the far northwest corner of Argentina, seemed to be a straightforward destination as we drove toward it through the vast Quebrada de Humahuaca one cold July morning. Upon arrival in bustling Tilcara, however, it became clear that it is not.
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July 13, 2012

Scent Dinner

If you look at any of World Monuments Fund’s sites, it’s obvious that they are the result of the culmination of hard work, great creativity, and, above all, passion on the part of many. This was also the case with WMF’s June 26 scent dinner, where I was delighted to be one of the lucky attendees.
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