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Crisis response has been a major theme in World Monuments Fund’s (WMF) work this year, and my recent trip to Iraq was a testament to the role heritage can play in regions dealing with post-crisis situations. From fostering a sense of belonging in Mosul after years of occupation by Daesh (also known as ISIS) to protecting ancient cities in the aftermath of the 2003 invasion, our work in the country continues to play an important part in social and economic rebuilding.
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From a Sephardic synagogue where spice merchants once worshiped to caves richly painted with Tibetan Buddhist murals, the religious sites World Monuments Fund (WMF) has helped conserve in India testify to the country’s long history of religious pluralism. Celebrating the incredible diversity of Indian heritage has been central to our work there for over 25 years. In this post, we’re highlighting the breadth of sacred places WMF has worked at in India—and how heritage has the potential to create a more inclusive society.
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World Monuments Fund (WMF) donors and staff members visited Güell Pavilions and Garden, a 2014 Watch site, in advance of the launch of new work there. One of Gaudí’s early creations, the pavilions were commissioned by (and bear the name of) Eusebi Güell, who would become Gaudí’s lifelong patron.
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Green Wood Cemetery B2CC graduation day featuring all 2023 interns in front of restored Delafield Vault
This spring, Wickremesinghe and the restoration team at Green-Wood mentored a cohort of twelve future heritage professionals as part of B2CC, which since its foundation in 2015 has offered young people hands-on technical training to prepare them for a stable career in heritage preservation. Interns honed their skills on the Delafield Vault; Joe Delafield, a descendant of those interred in the vault, attended the graduation ceremony in a gesture showing how meaningful it was to have his family’s monument cared for as part of the program.
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To toast the start of summer, lovers of heritage gathered in Carnegie Hall’s Weill Terrace Room for World Monuments Fund’s (WMF) second annual Summer Soirée, a celebration of heritage’s potential as a source of hope—and its capacity to serve as the foundation on which we can build a better and more peaceful future. 
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En sus casi 400 años de existencia, el Convento de Santa Clara de Asís ha tenido muchas vidas. Fundado como el primer convento en La Habana, Cuba, el edificio ha servido como hospital militar, espacio de almacenamiento del gobierno y las oficinas del Ministerio de Obras. Nuestro trabajo en Santa Clara culminó en febrero con dos talleres sobre conservación de piedra y murales, respectivamente, a cargo de profesionales de México y España, un testimonio de la cooperación internacional y el intercambio de conocimientos que siempre ha estado en el corazón del proyecto.
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Local community member giving a speech, 2023
When we arrived at the Andean town of Marcapata after a four-hour journey from Cusco, the green landscapes were full of alpacas grazing under the watchful eye of Ausangate Mountain. Listening to addresses by local leaders, we realized anew the immensity of the project we were there to observe: the long-awaited restoration of the church of San Francisco de Asís.
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