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We arrived at Tiantai An as the sun was beginning to set, having successfully navigated the narrow, serpentine road high above the valley floor. One of few remaining Tang Dynasty (618-906 A.D.) temples in Shanxi Province of northwestern China, <a href="/project/tiantai-an">Tiantai An</a> was constructed when the Tiantai school of Buddhism first began to flourish, later becoming one of the principal schools of Chinese Buddhism.
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Now in its third year, the Architecture and Design Film Festival has become a significant annual event in the design community. This year, in partnership with World Monuments Fund, the star of the opening night’s film Unfinished Spaces, architect Ricardo Porro, was able to attend. As directors of the film, we were overjoyed to watch Ricardo talk with audiences about his architecture and his life story.
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November 02, 2011

Save Our Culture

On November 2 in Tokyo, World Monuments Fund and the Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art Research launched Save Our Culture (SOC), an international effort to help cultural heritage sites affected by the devastating March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
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For the past three years, WMF has hosted an intern from the Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design (WHSAD). This summer Stafford Passley, an incoming senior at the school, joined the WMF team for six weeks. We were excited to have him with us, as he helped with numerous time-sensitive projects for various departments. Below is a brief overview of his time at WMF.
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I arrived at Selby Abbey on a rainy Sunday morning shortly after a sung Eucharist ceremony had begun. The congregation was small and mostly elderly, but it was nice to see the building being used for its original purpose and not simply as a destination for architecture or history enthusiasts. It is, however, a worthy destination for visitors.
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A visitor passing through an average small, sleepy village in Lincolnshire usually would be safe in assuming that it is virtually indistinguishable from the county's numerous other small, sleepy villages. If the visitor passed through Stow with this assumption, however, he or she would be wrong and would risk missing St. Mary's Church, an exceptionally significant treasure.
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This summer, three students in Historic Preservation from Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation are conducting a conservation study for Moni Perivolis, a historic convent on the island of Lesvos, Greece, and 11 other churches on the same island that were included in the World Monuments Watch in 2008 and 2010. Below, Alison LaFever describes the field examination of the condition of these other monuments:
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July 27, 2011

A Sacred Interior

This summer, three students in Historic Preservation from Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation are conducting a conservation study for Moni Perivolis, a historic convent on the island of Lesvos, Greece, and 11 other churches on the same island that were included in the World Monuments Watch in 2008 and 2010.
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The WMF-sponsored conservation work on the church of Andahuaylillas, which is often described as the heart of the neighborhood, acted as a catalyst for a subsidiary project focusing on the development of the community itself.
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