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At the far end of a long, narrow commercial street in the Mattancherry section of Kochi (formerly known as Cochin), in the southern Indian state of Kerala, is <a href="/project/paradesi-synagogue">Paradesi Synagogue</a>. This remarkable building is the oldest synagogue in India and the British Commonwealth. It's also the only remaining active synagogue in Kochi, which for over a thousand years had a thriving Jewish population and seven houses of worship.
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February 24, 2010

Mission to Port-au-Prince

Following the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, WMF Program Director for Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, Norma Barbacci traveled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and reports that scores of monumental public buildings, including the Government Palace, as well as many of the most important churches, lay in ruins.
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The aftershocks of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12 were still being felt three weeks later when, from February 3 to 6, 2010, WMF Program Director for Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, Norma Barbacci, joined an international mission to Santo Domingo and Jacmel.
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February 12, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

As the people of Haiti recover from this catastrophe, WMF is committed to helping in recovery efforts, bringing our expertise in disaster response to this devastated country. We will be coordinating our work in Haiti with HELP (Haitian Education & Leadership Program), the group that nominated the Gingerbread Houses of Port-au-Prince to the 2010 Watch.
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I lucked out when I scheduled my ride on the <a href="/project/bridges-merritt-parkway">Merritt Parkway</a> on a perfectly sunny, clear, cold day in early January. Jill Smyth, the Director of the Merritt Parkway Conservancy (MPC), picked me up at the Stamford train station and we began our visit with a drive to the southern gateway.
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Have you ever climbed a minaret? Admittedly, it can be scary to perch on a small balcony, over 100 feet above the ground. Next question: have you ever climbed a minaret FROM THE OUTSIDE?
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The installation of a 17th-century Dutch chandelier this November marked the completion of WMF Britain’s seven-year, nine-million-pound restoration project at St. George’s Bloomsbury, master architect Nicholas Hawksmoor’s sixth and last London church.
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December 16, 2009

Santiago: Heroic City

After <a href="/journal/old-havana-no-receipt-you">Havana,</a> I flew to Santiago, the second city of Cuba, located in the Oriente region at the eastern end of the island. It is called &ldquo;heroic city&rdquo; for its role as the cradle of all the revolutionary wars of Cuba. It was founded in 1515 and its first mayor was Hern&aacute;n Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico. Its wealth came from the production of coffee, copper, sugar, and, more recently, rum.
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Going to Cuba is always an adventure. On this, my fourth trip to the island, I stood out at the Miami airport while waiting in line with an all-male church group and several Cuban American families bringing multiple plastic-wrapped bundles.
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John Stubbs, WMF's Vice President for Field Projects, and I had the opportunity to meet many of our donors in Los Angeles this past November. We were there to make a presentation at the Beverly Hills Women's Club (BHWC) about our current projects around the world.
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