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Your search returned 12 results.
Large white building with glass dome and Ukrainian flag on top
Active Project
Kyiv, Ukraine

Teacher's House

After Russian missiles damaged this Kyiv landmark, urgent work is needed to protect the exposed interior and enable the building to function once more.
City square with historic building whose facade is covered by a tarp
Active Project
Lviv, Ukraine

Black House

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, concerns quickly grew that debris from missile strikes might damage Lviv's historic buildings, including the distinctive sixteenth-century Black House.
Exterior of pink building with broken windows, destroyed roof, and other severe damage
Active Project
Chernihiv, Ukraine

Chernihiv Regional Library for Youth

After this historic building was bombed, WMF supported the winterization of the site to shield the damaged building from further damage.
Odessa, Ukraine

Great Choral Synagogue

The Great Choral Synagogue of Odesa is one of two surviving synagogues in what was once a thriving center of Jewish cultural life in Eastern Europe.
Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Ukraine

Tyras-Belgorod Fortress

For centuries the fortress of Tyras-Belgorod has watched over the calm waters of the Dniester Estuary.
Pidhirtsi, Ukraine

Pidhirtsi Castle

Pidhirtsi Castle was constructed by the Italian architect Andrea dell'Aqua between 1635 and 1640 for the Hetman (Cossack chief) of the Polish crown.
Kerch, Ukraine

Panticapaeum Ancient City

Once the capital of the Bosporan Kingdom, the largest political state in the region of the ancient Black Sea, the ruins of the city of Panticapaeum contain evidence of settlement dating back to 2600 BC.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Church of Our Savior of Berestove

Listed on UNESCO's World Heritage List, the Church of Our Savior was built within a monastery complex in Berestove Village, the one-time seat of Kyiv's royal family.
Completed Project
Sevastopol, Krym, Ukraine

Ancient Chersonesos

Chersonesos, on the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea, was founded by Greek settlers in the fifth century BC and was occupied during the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine eras.
Completed Project
Zhovkva, Ukraine

Zhovkva Synagogue

Zhovkva Synagogue was built in the 1690s for a rapidly growing Jewish community.