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Your search returned 879 results.
Palaikastro, Greece

Palaikastro Archaeological Site

Located on the eastern shore of Crete, Palaikastro is the only Minoan city to have survived intact - its harbor, outlying settlements, and sanctuaries preserved under 2,000 years of sediment.
Completed Project
Heidelberg, Germany

Karl-Theodor Bridge

Over more than 700 years, nine bridges were built in succession at a single spot along Europe's Neckar River, where the waterway weaves through the German city of Heidelberg.
Completed Project
Dessau, Germany

Gartenreich Dessau-Wörltz

In 1765, a visionary prince, Leopold III Friedrich Franz of Anhalt-Dessau, collaborated with Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorff to develop Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz alongside the Elbe River.
Completed Project
Mtshekta, Georgia

Jvari Monastery

In the early fourth century a wooden cross was erected over a pagan sanctuary on a rocky mountaintop overlooking Mtskehta, the former capital of the Georgian Kingdom of Kartli-Iberia.
Completed Project
Zemo Artsevi Village, Georgia

Ikorta Church of the Archangel

According to lapidary inscriptions on its exterior walls, King George III of Georgia commissioned the construction Ikorta Church in 1172.
Completed Project
Timotesubani, Georgia

Church of the Virgin

The medieval Church of the Virgin in Timotesubani was built during the reign of Queen Tamar (r 1184-1213), the golden age of the Georgian kingdom.
Sighnaghi, Kakheti Region, Georgia

Bodbe Cathedral

Enclosed in Bodbe Cathedral is the grave of St. Nino, a most remarkable female figure in the early history of Christianity.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mohammad Ali House

The Mohammadali House was constructed around 1900 in Addis Ababa, 14 years after the city's founding, and only eight years after Emperor Menelik II declared it the Ethiopian capital.
Massawa, Eritrea

Massawa Historic Town

With its deep anchorage, the port of Massawa on the Red Sea served countless traders over the centuries when it was ruled by the Ottomans, Egypt, and more recently, Italy.
Massawa, Eritrea

Darbush Tomb

Located in old Massawa, the Derbush Tomb is one of the city's oldest Islamic monuments.
Cuscatlán, El Salvador

Suchitoto City

By the end of El Salvador's 12-year-long civil war in 1992, much of the population of Suchitoto City had vanished, even though the city was left largely intact.
