Report on Work at the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III

The 400-ton torso of the North Colossus of Amenhotep III at the Second Pylon was transported on a ramp 9.5 meters towards its original place and is now lying near and parallel to its pedestal.

Since the beginning of our season on January 15, 2011, our project has made great progress. All reassembly and conservation works continue.

The 400-ton torso of the North Colossus of Amenhotep III at the Second Pylon was transported on a ramp 9.5 meters towards its original place and is now lying near and parallel to its pedestal. It lies now on its right flank facing east. A plinth was cemented under its base to facilitate the lifting. The torso will be placed on the pedestal as soon as the plinth dries. This operation is planned for mid-March 2011.

At the Third Pylon, we have uncovered the alabaster blocks belonging to two other colossal statues of Amenhotep III. Cleaning and conservation works are in progress and a project to raise the White Colossus is now in preparation.

In the peristyle, the lowermost pieces of the North Stele have been placed on the plinth and fixed to each other with stainless steel dowels. A portico made of huge wooden beams has been installed to lift the 40-ton middle piece and join it to the bottom part.

Conservation and reassembly continues on the standing effigies of the king in red granite and quartzite, as well as on the sandstone column bases and pavement slabs.

The foundation of a third standing colossus is in progress, and soon a red granite royal statue will stand in the peristyle court.

WMF contributes to this work through the Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage, matched by funds granted by the Association des Amis des Colosses de Memnon and by Förderverein Memnon.