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Cairo's historic district of Al-Darb al-Ahmar lies amidst the dense urban environment of Africa's largest city and is a neighborhood rich with medieval Islamic structures. The Sultan mosque, built for the mother of Mamluk Sultan Khawand Baraka in 1369, included within this historic district, is one of the few monuments commissioned for women in Cairo, adding to its importance.
Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited centers of human settlement and has flourished for millennia. The formidably fortified Citadel of Aleppo currently attracts several hundred thousand visitors every year. This long-term project helped conserve many important Islamic monuments, including some of the finest muqarnas decoration to be found in the citadel, in the entrance portal of the Ayyubid palace.
At the turn of the eighteenth century, famed military commander Prince Eugene of Savoy purchased a tract of land in Vienna and commissioned Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt to design the Belvedere. Overlooking historic downtown Vienna, the Belvedere Gardens are one of the city's most famous destinations. Despite their popularity with tourists, in the twentieth century the grounds of the palace had been neglected and were exposed to pollution and vandalism of the marble statues.
Founded 800 years ago, Burg Ziesar, a vast castle complex rich with elements from every period after it was first built, sites 45 miles west of Berlin atop an earlier Slavic fortification.
In the late seventeenth century, during the reign of Archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun, the architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach designed a harmonious ensemble of 12 buildings in Salzburg. One of the most significant examples of baroque architecture within the Habsburg Empire, this structure influenced the design of many Catholic churches during the High Baroque Era within the Holy Roman Empire.
Cyrrhus is one of the major sites of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods in northern Syria, 70 kilometers northeast of Aleppo. It contains important surviving examples of mosaic art.
Abd-el-Rahman III commissioned the Medina Al-Zahra after elevating himself to Caliph of Córdoba and to secure his supremacy in Al-Andalus in the middle of the tenth century.
The extensive archaeological remains at Volubilis hold valuable information about the habitation of the site over nearly a thousand years.
The rock art at Wadi Mathendous represents some of the finest examples of prehistoric rock art to be found in North Africa. But in recent times, lack of proper site management and underground vibrations from nearby oil drillings have caused significant damage to the site.