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Khun Mali at Wat Chaiwatthanaram
In this blog post, WMF Program Director for Wat Chaiwatthanaram Conservation Project Jeff Allen talks about Khun Mali, Master Mason of Wat Chaiwatthanaram, whose skill and experience encompasses a thirty year career in masonry conservation.
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The destruction of sites throughout Mosul over the last three years has made headlines and deepened the pain we feel for those subjected to the violence that has killed countless Iraqi citizens and left a major city in shambles as its residents seek the most basic essentials of food, water, and safety.
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Arch of Janus
A Watch Day event for the Arch of Janus highlighted the ensemble of monuments that make up the Forum Boarium, including the Temples of Hercules and Portunus, previously included on the Watch and restored with support from WMF.
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In early January 2017, Romania’s Ministry of Culture submitted an official application to make the village of Roșia Montană a UNESCO World Heritage Site--an important step towards the site’s protection. Yet the breathtaking landscape of Roșia Montană still faces many challenges.
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Poom scraping off biogrowth.
In this blog post, Khun Poom talks about his luck of becoming a conservator at Wat Chaiwatthanaram, and unexpectedly finding his own form of riches in the form a lacquered Buddha statue.
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Wat Chaiwatthanaram boulos meru C4, interior
In this blog post, WMF Program Director for Wat Chaiwatthanaram Conservation Project, Ayutthaya Project Jeff Allen presents brief descriptions previewing four new conservators that were hired and trained by WMF to work in Wat Chaiwatthanaram. Individual blog posts by each of the conservators will follow.
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May 16, 2017

Of Garudas and Donors

Garuda #1 at Preah Khan Temple
In this blog post, WMF Regional Representative in Southeast Asia Ginevra Boatto shares her experience after meeting a friend of Samuel Miller, the first donor to WMF’s “Adopt a Garuda” campaign.
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