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Along the banks of Yamuna River in Agra lie traces of the pleasure gardens designed by the Mughals in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A recently signed international bilateral partnership between World Monuments Fund and the Archaeological Survey of India is concertedly working toward reviving the glory of two of these gardens—Mehtab Bagh and I’timad-ud-Daulah.
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On March 18, 2014, Citizens for Capitólio visited Teatro Capitólio (1925–1931) to see the progress in the final stages of the building’s repair and renovation, ahead of its much anticipated reopening.
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In the week when we remembered that 70 years ago both British and American Forces were jointly invading Normandy to achieve the end of the Second World War, Sulgrave Manor, the Northamptonshire home of George Washington’s ancestors, experienced a friendly and welcome invasion by some 200 members of the National Society of Colonial Dames of America and their guests.
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An embrace is a special gesture. It conveys affection, and promotes connection and closeness. For many people, an embrace contains plenty of vital energy and tonus, strengthening people. An embrace could even cure diseases.
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The old city of Sibiu is a cultural hub of Southern Transylvania and one of the most entrancing urban environments in Central Europe, so it was with great excitement that I arrived there last April for a week-long workshop on the Fortified Churches of Southern Transylvania, a 2010 World Monuments Watch site. The workshop was organized by the Coordination Office for Fortified Churches (Leitstelle Kirchenburgen), with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest.
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The history of the slave trade would not be complete without some account of the work done by early Christian missions established on the islands of Zanzibar. The missions played an important role in the struggle against the slave trade and in speeding up the emancipation process.
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