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Your search returned 76 results.
Venice, Italy

Ca' D'oro

Ca' d'Oro, also known as the Palazzo Santa Sofia, may be the best known example of residential Venetian Gothic architecture in the city.
Venice, Italy

Biblioteca Marciana

Venice's Biblioteca Marciana stands as a symbol of the city's wealth and its long tradition of civic investment in intellectual and artistic pursuits.
Parma, Italy

Parma Cathedral

The original Parma Cathedral was consecrated in 1106 but was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake that struck northern Italy in 1117.
Venice, Italy

Palazzo Ducale

Facing the Biblioteca Marciana, adjacent to the Basilica San Marco, the Palazzo Ducale commands a preeminent place in the geography of Venice.
Naples, Italy

Real Albergo dei Poveri

Naples was a thriving city in the early 18th century, both larger and wealthier than Rome, but it also had a significant impoverished population.
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

San Giacomo Maggiore Portico

San Giacomo Maggiore boasts an elegant portico - the only one of Renaissance style in Bologna - along its northern side.
Murgia dei Trulli, Italy

Murgia dei Trulli

The whimsical appearance of i trulli with their domed or conical roofs have attracted the attention of architects and tourists for centuries.
Completed Project
Salerno, Italy

Grottoes of San Michele

Along a narrow valley in the Picentini Mountains, the flowing water of the Tusiano River gradually excavated a deep natural cavern on the western slopes of Monte Raione.
