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Your search returned 879 results.
Completed Project
Quito, Ecuador

Bolivar Theater

Quito’s most opulent historic theater was reopened as the result of the conservation efforts that followed a disastrous fire.
Completed Project
Ankara, Turkey

Temple of Augustus and Rome

Further conservation work is needed at the Temple of Augustus and Rome, which contains the two most complete inscriptions of the Deeds of the Divine Augustus in the world.
Tripoli, Lebanon

International Fairground

Oscar Niemeyer’s design for the International Fairground was intended to serve as a showcase for Lebanon and signal the modern vision for the country’s development.
Chinguetti, Mauritania

Chinguetti Mosque

Surrounded and sometimes nearly engulfed by the shifting dunes of the western Sahara, Chinguetti was established in the thirteenth century and is considered one of Islam's seven holy cities.
Completed Project
Hué City, Huong Tho Village, Vietnam

Minh Mang Tomb

King Minh Mang, the second ruler of the Nguyen Dynasty, governed southern and central Vietnam from 1820 to 1840.
Completed Project
Tenyu-ji Temple, Japan

Kannon-do Hall at Tenyu-ji Temple

Kannon-do Hall, constructed in 1766 during the mid-Edo period, is the oldest remaining structure at Tenyu-ji Temple.
Completed Project
Kesennuma, Miyagi, Japan

Kesennuma Historic Cityscape

Kesennuma’s historic significance began in the twelfth century, and much of its prosperity was tied to being a gold-mining town toward the eastern end of Japan’s Golden Trail.
Completed Project
Sawara, Japan

Machiya in Sawara

Sawara features 92 historic machiya from the Edo period (1603-1868).
Completed Project
Agra, India

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is the tallest Mughal tomb ever built and is considered to be the single greatest work of Mughal architecture.
Lima, Peru

Presbitero Maestro Cemetery

Commissioned by Viceroy Fernando de Abascal and built between 1805 and 1808 on the outskirts of Lima, the Presbítero Maestro was the first municipal cemetery in Latin America.
Moscow, Russia

Shukhov Tower

Ongoing vigilance is necessary to secure the future of the Shukhov Tower, an icon of the advent of modern technology and an engineering masterpiece of the early twentieth century.
