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Your search returned 879 results.
Completed Project
Voskopojë, Albania

Voskopojë Churches

Twenty-six churches were built between 1630 and 1780 at Voskopojë, situated along the trade route from Venice to Constantinople in southeastern Albania.
Kabul, Afghanistan

Tepe Narenj

Tepe Narenj is a Buddhist monastery founded in the fifth or sixth centuries in the Zanburak Mountains south of Kabul.
Ghazni, Afghanistan

Ghazni Minarets

Rising out of the barren landscape like sentinels before the snowcapped mountains of the Hindu Kush, the minarets of Ghazni are among the last vestiges of the great Ghaznavid Empire.
Bamiyan, Afghanistan

Buddhist Remains of Bamiyan

The world watched in horror as the Taliban destroyed the famous colossal Buddhas of Bamiyan, hewn from living rock and hailed as extraordinary examples of Gandharan sculpture.
Completed Project
Oaxaca, Mexico

Monte Albán Archaeological Site

The ancient Zapotec metropolis of Monte Albán was founded in the 6th century BC on a flattened mountain overlooking the city of Oaxaca.
Festspielhaus Hellerau, credit: Wikimedia Commons/Stephan Floß
Hellerau, Dresden, Saxony, Germany

Festspielhaus Hellerau

The Festspielhaus Hellerau is one of the birthplaces of modernism as well as an important artifact of European architectural and cultural history.
Macusani, Peru
Macusani and Corani, Peru

Macusani-Corani Rock Art

Between the years 2000 and 2007, more than 100 sites containing ancient pictographs painted on volcanic rock were discovered in the Macusani and Corani districts of Puno, Peru.
Split, Croatia

Split Historic Center

Diocletian's splendid palace at Split stood alone until the 7th century, when refugees fleeing the destruction of nearby Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, transformed it into a town.
Mosul, Iraq

Al-Hadba’ Minaret

Once a landmark of Mosul, the al-Hadba' Minaret was ignominiously destroyed, leaving the future of the site uncertain.
Active Project
Versailles, France

Potager Du Roi

Stakeholders are poised to reimagine the stewardship of the historic kitchen garden of the Palace of Versailles, a place of instruction and experimentation.
Bumbusi rock markings, Zimbabwe
Matabeleland, Zimbabwe

Bumbusi National Monument

The Bumbusi National Monument comprises the remains of colossal sandstone walls, boulders, platforms, and dwellings dating to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
