Reports from the Field: Shwe-nandaw Monastery

Burmese Wood Crafts and their Revival in the 21st Century
Exterior of Shwe-nandaw Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar.

date & time


World Monuments Fund
350 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10118
United States

World Monuments Fund's work at Shwe-nandaw Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar, is the first internationally-led conservation project on a timber structure in the country. At this lecture, Francois Tainturier, a team member of the project, will discuss major achievements at the site, including the replacement wood carvings campaign currently undertaken with assistance from Master Carver U Kan Khyunt. Tainturier will also examine the restoration of the visual and artistic integrity of the late nineteenth-century timber structure, the only surviving pavilion of the former royal palace of Mandalay, and how the revival of wood craftsmanship is building capacity among young carvers who may in turn work at other conservation projects in the future.

Reception to follow lecture.

Reports from the Field: Shwe-nandaw Monastery

Burmese Wood Crafts and their Revival in the 21st Century

date & time


World Monuments Fund
350 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10118
United States
Exterior of Shwe-nandaw Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar.

World Monuments Fund's work at Shwe-nandaw Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar, is the first internationally-led conservation project on a timber structure in the country. At this lecture, Francois Tainturier, a team member of the project, will discuss major achievements at the site, including the replacement wood carvings campaign currently undertaken with assistance from Master Carver U Kan Khyunt. Tainturier will also examine the restoration of the visual and artistic integrity of the late nineteenth-century timber structure, the only surviving pavilion of the former royal palace of Mandalay, and how the revival of wood craftsmanship is building capacity among young carvers who may in turn work at other conservation projects in the future.

Reception to follow lecture.

